Monday, December 10, 2012

Invitee breakdown

Since our save-the-dates are now all beautifully stamped, addressed, and ready to go I thought I would break down our guest list in some traditional and some not-so-traditional ways. Without further ado... 

Yes, it says Massholes. Having recently changed my residency, I choose to own the term.  Is there a better nickname for those of us in the Commonwealth?
For the single folks who have been wondering...

Could just as easily be titled "Number of couples whose wedding inspiration we have stolen and will be featured at our wedding."
In order from left to right: Family, Friends, Family Friends
Who knows that many guys named Tony?
On the left, our best-travelled-to-be save the date. On the right, the laziest.
Looking forward to chucking them all in the mailbox tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Are you inviting Tony! Toni! Tone!?!_Toni!_Ton%C3%A9!
