Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Interim

Fifteen months after the proposal, we finally made a real wedding decision. Note that "real" here means "of actual consequence involving money." Of course I made plenty of wedding decisions in the interim. A brief smattering of those decisions were: 

1.) No matter how badly my fiance wanted to get married as Darth Vader, it WAS NOT HAPPENING. He sweet talked a bit of Star Wars into the wedding, but you'll have to wait and find out what it is. Because I'm too lazy to find an accent aigu to properly write fiance, he'll henceforth be known as Vader. 

2.) My initial thought about colors (blue and pink), though I assured Vader they "worked in my head," would not make the final cut. The fact that I could shop for decorations in the baby shower aisle at Michael's was a tad overwhelming, and so blue got replaced with the old standby of black and white.

3.) We'll be getting married in the wonderful state of Maine. Okay, maybe that one was a "real" decision.

More wedding magazines than I'd care to admit, two bridal shows, and several exploratory e-mails sent out to potential vendors later, I learned (not for the first or last time) that weddings cost some serious cash. I promptly decided to make every effort to save money in my wedding planning. And then I buried my head in the proverbial sand for more than a year. 


  1. So what I'm trying to figure out is this: if he's Vader, who does that make you?

  2. I had to laugh out loud at your posts. My son is getting married in Nov. and is always trying to slip in some Star Wars reference. He found a cartoon and sent it to his fiance about having to compromise. The cartoon shows a woman looking at a picture of Wookie Jesus and asks do we have to hang this in the living room. His fiance laughed shook her head and smiled. A few weeks later he brought home a 9x12 autographed picture of Wookie Jesus and hung it high up on their stair overhang where she couldn't reach it. It now has become an on-going joke. Everyone who enters the house has to be taken to see the Wookie Jesus. :>)
