Thursday, July 4, 2013

Too many crafts, no time for blogging

Hi everybody - we're nine days out! As a result, I don't have the time to blog about the projects I'm still finishing up. I promise I'll get caught up sometime in the next few weeks, if there are any blog hangers-on after the wedding.

In the meantime, they say a picture's worth a thousand words, and this is a picture made up of pictures, so this is basically a million word blog post. Here's the seating chart I've worked on tirelessly for the last two days. Each piece has a name on it, and when you pull yours off there's a table number on the back and a copy of the picture piece behind it. I may not recommend this project to anyone again, ever, because it's a giant pain. But enjoy!

My "I'm tired" face. Also, messy apartment = the result of much crafting. 

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