Monday, November 5, 2012

Bridesmaid Dresses, v.2

Sandy threw a wrench in the plans of some of my college friends and I this past weekend, re-routing to avoid  underwater subway navigation and HOV limits that would prevent us from driving into Manhattan. Flexible adventurers that we are, we instead invaded the apartment of Bridesmaid Cupcake for a weekend of relaxation and falling asleep in piles even though it was 3 p.m. Clearly we've all gotten old.

When we gathered the energy to explore downtown New Haven, we hit up a local dress shop so Bridesmaid Madonna (technically Bridesmatron, which I intend to keep calling her because it sounds so absurd) could try on dresses and help narrow down the girls' selection. The shop had the coolest dress-trying-on experience I've seen so far-we all trudged down a narrow hallway that ended in a private dressing room with a wall of couches for ideal judging viewing. Luckily BM Madonna has no problem with a bit of exhibitionism, so we all sat around and watched her try on the favorites of the other girls and chime in with her own opinions. Her standards were high: twirly skirt and straps. We now have two front-runner dresses so far with three bridesmaids to go. I'll keep you updated when the decision is made!

Though the dress experience was as girly as in the past, featuring myself and bridesmaids Irish, Cupcake, and Madonna, we were joined by a blog newcomer: a groomsman! Groomsman Peanut Butter (Vader thought I should call him Sexy McBeast, but it seems a little awkward...) decided that sitting around with friends watching his wife try on dresses was a lot of fun! Four years of college with a tribe of girls prepared him well for the experience, and he was a valuable resource. Until he chimed in his support of sword gifts...
In all seriousness, Madonna and PB WILL be and already have been a terrific resource of all things wedding, as it's only been a few months since their own nuptials and we have so many questions.

I'm looking forward to sharing more about the groomsman (and groomslady) as we get closer to the wedding and we start making suit decisions and the like. 

**Officiant Ewok, I haven't forgotten about you, but writing about your role in the wedding would mostly involve making a long list of things I have no answer to. More on the ceremony details later...

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